Archived local history
The Rowley Ellwood Collection is an online gallery of over 500 historic old photos of Skipton, fully indexed and searchable. This site is a tribute to Dr Geoffrey Rowley and Mr Ken Ellwood who gathered together these fascinating prints. These photos are available for viewing on CD or DVD at Skipton Reference Library.
New!!! - Local History Posts
In response to the increased popularity of this website during ‘lockdown’, it was decided to highlight extracts from Dr Rowley’s Notebooks as local history posts on the Library Facebook page. Over time the scope of these posts has been broadened to include any interesting facets of local history even though they are outside the scope of the Notebooks.
To provide an archive for these posts and to make them available on a permanent basis, they are now being uploaded and stored on this website. To access them click on ‘Notebooks’, then ‘Notebook 4’, then ‘Downloads and Transcripts’ where the posts will be listed under ‘Transcripts’. We hope you find this a useful and enjoyable resource.
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Most recently added comments. Click to see more details.
Jill Clayton 02/02/2025
Joanne 24/11/2024
Andrew Montreuil 13/11/2024
Mike O’Regan 20/09/2024
Peter Sheeran 03/09/2024
Katherine L Bell (Hey) 25/06/2024
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02/03/2021 Admin
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09/01/2018 Admin