Archived local history

The Rowley Ellwood Collection is an online gallery of over 500 historic old photos of Skipton, fully indexed and searchable. This site is a tribute to Dr Geoffrey Rowley and Mr Ken Ellwood who gathered together these fascinating prints. These photos are available for viewing on CD or DVD at Skipton Reference Library.

New!!! - Local History Posts

In response to the increased popularity of this website during ‘lockdown’, it was decided to highlight extracts from Dr Rowley’s Notebooks as local history posts on the Library Facebook page. Over time the scope of these posts has been broadened to include any interesting facets of local history even though they are outside the scope of the Notebooks.

To provide an archive for these posts and to make them available on a permanent basis, they are now being uploaded and stored on this website. To access them click on ‘Notebooks’, then ‘Notebook 4’, then ‘Downloads and Transcripts’ where the posts will be listed under ‘Transcripts’. We hope you find this a useful and enjoyable resource.


Latest Comments

Most recently added comments. Click to see more details.

Hi, I've noticed a few of these photos marked 'Thorton's Court'. Should it be 'Thornton's Court'? Is it a typo?
Jill Clayton 02/02/2025
Hi Lynda Marley, my great great grandfather Henry Bates lived on Commercial Street. I’ve just started my family tree and saw your...
Joanne 24/11/2024
My grandfather was a regular there. This picture is fabulous and really captures the essence of the 40's in that region.Regards from...
Andrew Montreuil 13/11/2024
My son was born ar Cawder Ghyll Hospital 1965 would love to see a photo
Margaret Biggins 23/10/2024
I remember Carla Beck from the 1940s. It was a popular place for teenagers to meet friends over a milk-shake. However, the prevailing aroma...
Mike O’Regan 20/09/2024
The original site of the Cross Keys Inn on Newmarket Street. The building to the left of the pub was Tradesman's Place. The long carved...
Peter Sheeran 03/09/2024
and Clinton Ray Emergency Alert on H generic cialis online
FrausyDar 22/08/2024
I worked at Harrons dentist next to the Midland Hotel 1961-1967. I live in Australia
Katherine L Bell (Hey) 25/06/2024


Latest Updates

Latest gallery admin updates and notes:

Latest notebook transcript files uploaded. These cover up to Notebook 2, page 286.
02/03/2021 Admin
Have uploaded the latest notebook transcript files. These now cover up to Notebook 2, page 174.
25/01/2021 Admin
We've started to add scans of Dr Rowley's notebooks. These are real treasure troves of information about Skipton's history. The new pages aren't perfect yet - please be patient as we sort out the glitches.
12/05/2018 Admin
We've tweaked the "Browse all photos" function so that it now shows the most recently added photos first.
14/03/2018 Admin
I've added 21 new photos today! All from Ken Ellwood's collection. I think my favourite is this one of "Berry & Matt" at the Roller Skating Rink. Does anyone know where that was located?
13/03/2018 Admin
When scanning the photos, we often find hand-written notes on the reverse, especially pictures from Ken Ellwood's collection. Where we're certain the information is accurate, we'll include it in the photo description. If it's more vague, I will add it as an Admin comment below the picture, as "KE note" for Ken Ellwood, "GR note" for Geoffrey Rowley, etc.
21/01/2018 Admin
Added two new photos today: Photo 753 and Photo 754. This is the first new content in many years! Ken Ellwood's family have very kindly shared their father's collection of old Skipton photographs with us. Some of the pictures are already on this site, donated by Dr Rowley's widow when the Rowley Collection was first built. But there are lots of previously unseen images too, and we'll be adding these to the Rowley-Ellwood collection in the coming weeks.
14/01/2018 Admin
Fixed bug in pagination at foot of search results page.
09/01/2018 Admin